ADRA Latvija

Nodibinājums „Fonds ADRA/Latvija” (ADRA Latvija) ir dibināts 1993.gadā, darbojies vairākos īstermiņa un ilgtermiņa projektos, – humanitārās palīdzības sūtījumi, zupas virtuves, dāvanas Ziemassvētkos un Lieldienās, iekārtu piegāde slimnīcām u.c.

No 2011.gada novembra, ADRA Latvija ir Starptautiskās platformas attīstības sadarbībai LAPAS biedrs (

ADRA Latvija ir piešķirts sabiedriskā labuma organizācijas statuss, kas dod tiesības ziedotājiem saņemt likumdošanā noteiktās nodokļu atlaides.

Mūsu komanda

Anna Šļakota

ADRA Latvija Direktore

Michael Kruger joined ADRA in August 2014 as treasurer. Kruger qualified as a chartered accountant in 1992 and opened a private practice out of Johannesburg soon after. Before joining ADRA as a full-time member of our leadership, Kruger provided the agency auditing and consulting services for many years.

Anete Mellupa

Sabiedrisko attiecibu specialists

Korey Dowling has served as ADRA’s Vice President for People & Culture after serving the South Pacific Division in human resources management and recruitment. He provided HR advice to ADRA operations in the South Pacific and served on the ADRA board in Australia before accepting his current role. Dowling commenced his HR career in the United Kingdom in talent management before returning to Australia to work in training and development before joining the South Pacific Division head office in HR. Dowling has qualifications in business, human resource management, and training and development.

alina Žitkeviča

Kultūras projektu VADĪTĀJA

Imad Madanat was selected as Vice President for Programs in October 2013. The ADRA veteran has served the agency for more than a decade in various roles, including Senior Program Finance Manager and Country Finance Director in Yemen. Madanat’s wealth of experience includes program expansion into new countries and managing portfolio of innovative projects.

alise alupa


Matthew Siliga joined ADRA’s leadership team after a decade of service as Marketing and PR Director for our office in Australia and CEO for ADRA in New Zealand. Prior to his work with ADRA, Siliga served the government of New Zealand as a communications and social marketing strategist, developing and managing multimedia campaigns. The New Zealand native and father is excited to share his talents and passions with the global ADRA community.